Sunday, January 27, 2008

Triple Treat

My creative output for the last couple of days has been pretty voluminous. As you can see, Daphne is coming along with a large part of her shoulder, chest, and foreleg developed. I am fairly happy with how that is blocked in, although the textures will need to be refined. I also darkened the left part of the face somewhat; there is more of that to come.

Additionally, since there was quite a bit of interest in the little batik bag I made (which I ended up keeping), I made another one to sell. This one is shaped a little differently and includes the refinement of a velcro closure (not visible in the photo). It is available for $25 plus shipping--email me if interested.

Finally, here is the batik shoulder bag I have been working on. It uses the same fabric combo as the little batik bag, but follows the shoulder bag format (with a few refinements in the shape and the interior pocket).

So this is what I have been up to. Full speed ahead!!!


Ricë said...

daphne is FABULOUS! you're doing a great job--she looks so realistic and full of life--thank you so much for posting the process shots so we can see how you've worked on her--

arlene said...

The bags are so wonderful. Love the colours! And Daphne looks quite lovable too.