Friday, March 21, 2008

Here it is

Well, here is the green paisley I finished a few weeks ago. I've been kinda hanging on for dear life with school/ISATS (standardized testing) and some health problems. It hasn't totally stopped me from creating; however, it has slowed me down and left me less time for things like taking photos, so really there is a lot of catching up to do. I'm on Spring Break now, so it is my hope that I will finally catch up with myself, get healthy, and get some serious quality time in my studio.

I'm not totally happy with this paisley, but it was a fun creative exercise. Next time I will try to sharpen my pencil more often; the Lyra colored pencil I used was if anything softer than the Prismas I usually use.
Also, please realize that this is not a good photo. The real paisley is a warmer green and the background is a pale cream color. Keith just gave me his old camera (which may not sound like such a good deal, but this is a really good camera). Now I just have to read the manual and learn how it works.....and maybe I'll be able to start putting up really good photos on this thing for a change. I hope so. I'm so tired of struggling with the camera I have now.


jtstone said...

Wow, I love it, I love monochrome already and that color too. Beautiful, just beautiful work.

Anonymous said...

I really like it. My brain starts to discover different shapes and recognizable forms, it's great. I like it.

Unknown said...

I LOVE it Sarah
you've taken paisley
and made it totally your own!

painterofdreams said...

That's really cool.