Sunday, March 30, 2008

Camille's Bag

I've been taking a class on how to make a purse called Camille's Bag. It was a very ambitious choice for someone who has been sewing less than three months, but the instructor thought she would be able to help me with it. Well, it was a huge challenge for me, but with a lot of help from Dixie at Sew Unlimited, I finished it yesterday. You can't see the little imperfections that mark it as the effort of a beginner in the photo, but they're there. That's okay, it's still a great bag. I'll make another one later to practice the techniques I learned.

I haven't forgotten about Twickie. My mom suggested I try a dark blue background for the bottom half. I'm going to send her the results and then make a decision about how to finish it. It's about time to hang that puppy's picture up on the wall!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Hey you did a great job! I'd love to try that one too!