Sunday, November 4, 2007

A New Start

Well, I find myself in a bit of a weird situation. I am having to reinvent my online identity. Choosing to, I guess.....

For, oh, let's see, about six years I was known online as OpalEyedDragon. This I thought was a good, unique name for me since I am a fan of fantasy and sci-fi. Until tonight, all went well...but then another Christian objected to my use of the name "dragon" because in the Bible, the dragon is another name for Satan. At first I thought this was basically stupid, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was a problem for me as a Bible-believing Christian. The Bible tells me to "avoid even the appearance of evil". Well, as a matter of conscience, I felt that I could not ignore this mandate. Therefore, I find myself in the midst of a change.

I cannot seem to find a way to change my old blog to my new email address, so I have to transition to a new one. You can find all my old posts at


Anonymous said...

I would agree with the woman's comment on Dragon. I would have never guess you were religious based on that name. In fact I thought not.

Also you cannot move your blog from Opaleyeddragon on blogspot but would have to move it to wordpress.

It seems you do not allow anon comments, so I must sign it, Lilly

jill said...

you could copy and paste your posts, or you could change the name of your blog but the address would stay the same. sometimes that's workable for some and not for others. just a suggestion.

Ozjane said...

Congratulations on your maturity to listen and think and pray something through. So often we brush things aside but I am sure that God will honor you as you avoid all appearance of evil.
On and upward.