Friday, May 9, 2008

What's up

Hi. I know I haven't posted in a while. Basically I am dealing with some health complications, combined with end-of-the-school-year craziness, combined with a new hobby....gardening. Yes, I am getting my hands dirty not only with paint, but with good old-fashioned dirt. I'm growing lilies, tomatoes, strawberries, morning glories, fuchsias, and marigolds (so far).

However, I have had time to do some artwork. I'm working on a canvas board, painting it with acrylics (like I decided to do when I was painting Julian). I'm really not very good at it, but I am approaching it as a casual experience and not letting myself get bent out of shape when I mess up (which is frequent). It is a picture of a pegasus with a butterfly on his chest. I drew the same drawing onto a shirt to paint, but made the mistake of not tracing over the drawing I did in disappearing fabric marker with permanent fabric marker, so I am going to have to start over again. That might not be a bad thing as the first sketch was really only mediocre. However, the one I did on the canvas board was really great....but I did it in pencil, and the first layers of acrylic smeared the pencil. Plus I dripped some of the sky color on the pegasus' mane and neck, and had to cover over it with white. But like I said, I'm approaching it very casually, and that is working for me, derailing my perfectionism before it can really take hold. This is a very positive development, giving me the freedom to just play and not worry about the final outcome.

I don't have photos yet, but hope to take some soon. I also plan to re-draw my pegasus on my shirt and start painting that. Plus I am contemplating another round of shoe torture.

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