Sunday, May 18, 2008

Another Paisley

I wish I had photos of my new acrylic work for you. I did two paintings, the pegasus and a centaur, and both turned out fairly well considering my lack of experience; however, they are proving very difficult to photograph. I used a lot of metallic and pearlescent paint, and while that makes them very pretty (in the opinion of myself, given that I like those types of things), it makes them very glare-y to photograph. I'm thinking I may have to try again with my better camera after I figure out how it works. In the meantime, here is a little something I started at my mom's house New Year's Day and finished Friday in a hellaciously boring meeting. I think it is better technically than the monochrome one (I screwed up less), but the sharp angles and straight lines make it less visually pleasing to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The photo does not do this justice.
The beauty of this piece is just amazing. The blue of the paper for a background was perfect.

Thank you for 'gifting' me with this piece that I will treasure always.