Sunday, September 14, 2008

Flying High

Well, I think they are improving with time, don't you? Last night I pulled out the old horse books and started studying anatomy in earnest, and that is sure to help some more. My brush work is shaping up as well. I have some more abstracts, but didn't get good pics last night (must try again today). It's true what they say.....put more miles on the brush, and you're sure to gain skills! So back to my brushes I go. I sure do love my art life now that the perfectionism is gone for good. Even when I screw up, I just chalk it up to experience and keep right on painting. No stress, no anxiety, just fun and lots of paint on my hands. What a relief!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the foal and mare! Just beautiful. You are really on a roll with your art. Keep it up.

Mary Wilkins